Monday, November 27, 2006

I quit

no more barfing!! no more thryoids!

just call me vascular/thoracic, kids.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Me artistic???

I hate those internet surveys people send around, but this "autistic quotient" is awesome: And I love that its published by wired. What do you get? I would love to see the scores for all the people I work with. I bet they're off the charts. Who has the highest at 832 capp? I'm guessing Mollie.

Monday, November 13, 2006

five second rule doesnt apply to ice cream, yall

"The five-second rule is seldom invoked in the case of sticky foods, such as ice cream"

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More Halloween

IMG_0545.JPG, originally uploaded by tessifer.

There are many more Halloween pictures to share with you all. They are coming....but I think this picture says a lot about the evening.

One year of blogging

I can't believe it's been more than a year since we started this blog. At least my relationship with Tess hasn't changed much.