Monday, October 17, 2005

Want to win something worthless?

Already in the short two days we have had this blog, people have been hating on it. A man with whom my friendship goes back all the way to seventh grade recently told me that it wasn't really worth having a blog unless you actually write something. Apparently amazingly entertaining photos are not enough. Well, this one's for you Brett.

I just want to say that though there may be a lot of Stanford students on Capp Street, we are the only ones with a blog. And a deer's head. Which means we are the coolest. We also have trees in our house, but I heard that some other lame Stanford students up on Bartlett (a far inferior street if you ask me) also have trees in their house. But we had ours first, so there. We are still cooler.

But - despite our dripping with unbearable coolness, our dearest deer (sorry) still doesn't have a name. That is a sad, sad fact. So I'm introducing the first TMML contest: name our biggest dead animal. Whoever comes up with the funniest name for our buck will win the prize of getting named here, possibly with a funny picture of their face.

Now get to it!

1 comment:

Mike said...

he should be named Sheddy cause if you touch him he shares his follicles with your hands