Monday, April 10, 2006

Crime wave

A guy got stabbed for his laptop in the cafe I always work in on the day I usually work there:

Good thing I had a conference call and stayed home last Thursday. I wonder why they didn't go to that communist coffee shop. I bet you could haul off some much fancier laptops there and you probably wouldn't have to stab those hippies to take their shit. It's funny, I always left my laptop sitting out when I went to the bathroom on the theory that someone could just as easily grab it off the table whether I was sitting there or not.

Also I heard a semi-automatic going off again over on 25th and Mission Saturday night. I think I might stay away from the Phone Booth until this dies down.

I talked to some cops the other day and they said they would be patroling our neighborhood more. They did show up minutes after the shooting. I wonder what set all this off.


Anonymous said...

Funny, I just had a conversation with someone about this theft alarm thingy for the MacBooks. I thought it was pretty useless, but it's on topic:

thb said...

The funniest comments from that article are:

"The word is out with crooks in general," and "Besides, such operations are costly in resources, he said. "It's a lot of lattes.''"

Every day I renew my faith in our police force.

Anonymous said...

I hear that my nephew Owen is selling hot ibooks.