Monday, August 14, 2006

Gambling online

I just bet 250$ that Lieberman would win the Conneticut election. I was going to bet 1000$ but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately :) ) Tess talked me out of it. Lamont might win (and I hate Lieberman as much as any other leftist) but it seems really unlikely to me. In what scenario does it happen? I think he either has to drop out, or the Republican candidate has to do something amazing. Or maybe firing his campaign staff will really screw him? How? But it seems to me the media really likes to hype up mavericks as though they have a chance of winning elections, like McCain getting the 2000 Republican nomination or Howard Dean.

Anyway, what else can I bet on? Any other overhyped elections going on? I wonder if I can make enough money to quit my day job. Send me some ideas.

Tradesports is so cool. (where I used to bet) and other gambling sites can't take crazy bets because if anyone has good inside information or if they make a mistake in setting the odds they'll lose a ton of money. But tradesports treats it like an exchange where people can bet on both sides and the price of the bet goes up and down. So there is no risk to them and they can charge extremely low commisions.

Here's a live updating graph of the price of Lieberman winning (50 means even odds):

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